Friday, August 31, 2012

Project Unknown Post #2: The Pitch

Here is the pitch I presented to my class on Tuesday, August 28th.  The elevator pitch was two sentences aimed at grabbing everyone's attention from the get go:

"Project Unknown is an adrenaline filled, fast paced, hack and slash platformer in a perspective you’ve never experienced before.  The game utilizes a dynamic camera system that changes angles depending on what part of the level you’re on, and what action is taking place on screen."

The pitch lasted about 4 minutes, and I had time for 1 minute of Q&A.  The class will vote on their favorite games presented, (out of about 35 pitches), and the top 10 or so will move on to the next stage: prototyping.  Next week we will see if Project Unknown will be one of those games! 


Monday, August 27, 2012

Project Unknown Post #1: Introduction

Hey everyone,
My name is Kyle Chittenden.  Since about the beginning of July, Scott Torgeson, Robert Jungert, and myself have been working on the pre-production for a hack and slash, platformer game we wanted to create for the EAE Capstone class.  From July to the beginning of the school year, we planned out gameplay mechanics, created custom models and animations, and hashed out a story for this game that we decided to call Project Unknown.  Now that school has begun, all the hard work we put into Project Unknown in the summer will hopefully pay off as we plan to pitch the game idea to the class on Tuesday, August 28th.  Currently, I am making my final preparations for the speech I will present with it.  In a few days I will post the pitch I created for class.